Saturday, May 5, 2007

First and Foremost

So with everybody blogging I decided I need my own venting place too. I decided to inaugurate my first blog and start blogging, hopefully I wont quit after this very first post.

I mainly need a space to blog about general issues I see in life in my endless quest to understand it. So this aint a blog about my latest trip, car or love life, I wont bore you with all that. I prefer to discuss my thoughts about the world, and what a huge thing that world is. So if you like politics, philosophy, ethics or thier mere hallucinations, please read on.

So here I start my wanderings into how I see life. Why drunk philosopher, because sometimes I think my thoughts can easily come out of a drunk philosopher, as if philosophers need more reason to be aberrant. Thanks for reading in advance and excuse me if I say something stupid once in a while.


Anonymous said...

inaugurate!! Dude, with words like these, I would rather read about ur latest car and love life :P

Anonymous said...

akhsha ma akhshah an yakoona tawako3ak ga2a bel7akeeka no blogs since u started, better close it dude

Anonymous said...
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